If you have an emergency, call 911
Si vous avez une urgence, composez le 911
For support & information
Pour le soutien et l'information
Call 1-877-568-5730
Donating to Victim Services goes directly to assist the agency in providing support to victims of crime and tragic events. Including:
Being A Donor
You can make a measurable difference in the lives of those we serve by becoming either a Financial or Material Donor.
Material Donor
Throughout the year, we have need for the following items:
If you can provide any or all of these items, we would love to hear from you.
Financial Donor
Of course, we always appreciate, and need, financial donations.
There are 3 easy ways for you to provide financial support:
Please make cheques payable to Victim Services of Renfrew County. Charitable tax receipt available upon request.
Victim Services of Renfrew County is located on unceded Algonquin territory.
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Funding for this program is provided by the Government of Ontario.
We rely on donations and fundraising to support these much needed services for those most vulnerable in our community.
The views expressed in the publication are the views of the Recipient (VSRC) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Province.
The Trademarks are trade-marks of Ontario Network of Victim Service Providers, used under license.