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Victim Services of Renfrew County Inc. is a non-profit volunteer-based organization which assists police and other emergency services in providing emotional and practical assistance to people who have experienced a crime, tragic life event or community disaster including:

Career Opportunity

Under the direction of the Executive Director, provide broad-based support for the effective delivery of the Victim Service program in Renfrew County. This position provides direct service to people who have experienced crime or tragic circumstances and administrative support to the organization. Download Full Job Description

Statement of Purpose

Victim Services of Renfrew County Inc believes that every Victim has the right to heal from a crime or tragic circumstance.  Our program creates opportunities, fosters hope and builds safer and healthier communities.

Every Victim matters. We are here to help.

Victim Services of Renfrew County is located on unceded Algonquin territory.

Site designed and administered by TUBMAN Marketing Inc. provides Business Class Hosting. 2019

Funding for this program is provided by the Government of Ontario.
We rely on donations and fundraising to support these much needed services for those most vulnerable in our community.
The views expressed in the publication are the views of the Recipient (VSRC) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Province.
The Trademarks are trade-marks of Ontario Network of Victim Service Providers, used under license.